Now, this is a perfect example of a contender for the Oscars.
A beautifully shot film. Epic landscapes. Great casting. Outstanding performances.
Drama, drama, drama. Two tough and manly cowboys fall in love in 1963. Not an easy situation at that time down in Texas. Both get married and have kids, but always long for each other.
Might not sound like something everybody would want to see. But don't be fooled, the story is deep and layered. I absolutely loved it. It develops slowly, so if you are looking for bing bang action, this won't do it for you. The events spread out for over 20 years.
It was about time Heath Ledger got given a role that would truly show off his capabilities. His character is quiet and mumbles when he speaks, but man, does he get lots across in very few words. Everything is happening inside, and rivers run deep. He was fantastic.
As his other half, Jake Gyllenhaal, was right on the money. A great combo, those two.
And those cowboys weren't easy roles to play.
And watch out for Michelle Williams, who plays Ledger's wife. She's come a long way from Dawson's Creek.
Not much disappointed me in this movie I can tell you, I was exactly in the mood to see something like that. It stirred something inside me. About how life can be unfair, and how you can ruin it if you don't follow your heart. (sounds pretty tacky to say, but when you really get into it, you get it. this is probably why it will do well in nominations and awards (3 noms for Golden Globes already)
I haven't seen it yet... But I really really do want to see it.
I don't know when it's coming to France, but probably in a long long time.
Ok, I've seen it.
And WOW! If this film doesn't win everything than I'm not watching another oscar show again...
The actors were phenomenal in there non-talking way of acting.
Both principal actors made me cry.
The shots were beautiful, the colors, the music...
Everything. It really was a great film.
Everyone was crying at the end, even grown men.