The Assasination of Richard Nixon

Sean Peen always seems to play characters who make me feel uneasy. In every film he is in, i feel uncomfortable looking at him. Probably the point exactly.
Throughout the film, I felt such pity and sadness for Sam, so troubled by the society of 1974. His whole life just falls apart and you can't help but feel so powerless. Because the principals he lives by are good ones - Don't lie. Don't let people take you for a ride. Stand up for yourself. Be just and honest.
You want him to come on top.
But he has other complexe issues at the same time.
He is weird, unbalanced and twisted. But somehow, you feel very compassionnate towards him. It's quite ambivalent. It's intense, dark and disturbing. Oh, and seeing Naomi Watts with long black hair was pretty freaky too.
Anyway. This one got to me.
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