I Robot

Ok... so another movie about HAL. We all knew that, right? It's the same plot line over an over. How can NONE of these characters have seen Kubrick's 2001?? But, ok, we'll act like it's brand new information, and try to be surprised when the robots they trust and give responsibility to devellop a sudden need to have a mind of their own and rebel against their creators and masters.
The special effects didn't blow me away.The robots did have beautiful faces, though.
And well, the acting was not exactly oscar worthy, but lets say that it's a good thing a real man's man like Will Smith was there to give the movie a bit of humanity.
I think what I liked most about this movie is the references of our present time. Like the vintage 2004 converse shoes. Or the: 'you are going to drive manually, are you crazy?' Yeah, that was funny. I did like the punch at the end, though, I didn't think they were going to go that way. So yeah. Not all bad, but i won't see it again.
Ok... well, lets just say it was entertaining, but I won't watch it again either.
There was good special effects.
The robots were really nice, I didn't really like the fact that they turned red when they were bad... way to obvious.
Smith was cute but playing himself as usual, just in the future and with an artificial arm (oops wasn't suppose to say that)
The reference to the past (our time) were funny.
Not too long, but lets just say that if I have the choice between this and someother unnamed film... I'll go for the unnamed film...
That's it.
Watch it once, but don't actually pay for the movie, don't rent it or anything, just try to watch it on tv somehow...
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