Match Point

I don't know where to start with this one.
I am a bit shocked. I cannot believe this was a Woody Allen movie. It is so different than any films of his I have seen. First of all, because he didn't himself star in it, and second of all, because it was a very VERY far cry from the quirky comedies he usually makes. This was a drama, a thriller, a suspense. I did not expect that at all.
I liked how the story develloped, and how half way into it, I had absolutely NO IDEA what was going to happen and how this film was going to resolve itself. Then, it was shock, after shock. It has been a long time since I have been so stressed, so in a 'oh my god, what's going to happen' mode while watching a movie. Bravo.
Scarlett Johansson irritated me a little. Maybe because I don't think she's that hot, and that she's supposed to be the sexiest most desirable woman in the world in this film. I personally don't agree at all. But after a while, I got over it and started enjoying her performance. I think Johathan Rhys Meyers was perfect for this part, a young tennis washout who is trying to climb the social ladder. He's hard to read into, and that made this film even more intriguing.
This film is about more than a man who has an affair. It's about the weaknesses of human nature towards lust, money and greed. Well done, Woody. Loved it.
Woody Allen made another movie with this same theme...done in New York instead of London. The main actor who killed his mistress is Martin Landau. i do not remember the name of this movie but i first saw it in it is in the years...80's
the same suspens and the same yuck feeling at the end...
ok ...phil just found the name of the movie...
crimes and misdemeanors
just try to see it ...suspens not comedy at all...
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