
This was fantastic.
I walked out of the theatre with the strangest feeling. I didn't say much for the next hour or two. Loved it, loved it.
The plot was nice and thick, developped nicely and in a timely fashion. As the minutes went by, you just sank deeper and deeper in this excentric, complex character that was Truman Capote.
I have always been a fan of Philip Semour Hoffman, but this, really, put him in a different category. He completely disappeared. To see him take that voice, those manurisms, that way of carrying himself, of standing, of speaking, man, I got what everyone had been talking about. He was absolutely brilliant.
I loved the fact that even though this film is about Capote, it didn't try to encapsulate his whole life into two hours. Instead, it concentrates on a turning point in his life and within that it found the means to introduce, explain and dissect who he really was. You get it. You feel the back story. You know very quickly where he's been, what he's done, just by the way Hoffman carries himself, expresses himself, and how other people act around him. It was that effective for me.
Now, I want to go and read 'In Cold Blood'.
This movie will give it a whole new meaning.
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